Source code for fugue.bag.bag

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, List, Optional

from ..dataset import Dataset, DatasetDisplay, get_dataset_display

[docs] class Bag(Dataset): """The base class of Fugue Bags. Bag contains a collection of unordered objects. """
[docs] def as_local(self) -> "LocalBag": # pragma: no cover """Convert this bag to a :class:`.LocalBag`""" return self.as_local_bounded()
[docs] @abstractmethod def as_local_bounded(self) -> "LocalBoundedBag": # pragma: no cover """Convert this bag to a :class:`.LocalBoundedBag`""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def peek(self) -> Any: # pragma: no cover """Peek the first row of the dataframe as array :raises FugueDatasetEmptyError: if it is empty """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def as_array(self) -> List[Any]: # pragma: no cover """Convert to a native python array :return: the native python array """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def head(self, n: int) -> "LocalBoundedBag": # pragma: no cover """Take the first n elements :return: the python array of the first n elements """ raise NotImplementedError
def __copy__(self) -> "Bag": return self def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Any) -> "Bag": return self
[docs] class LocalBag(Bag): @property def is_local(self) -> bool: return True @property def num_partitions(self) -> int: return 1
[docs] class LocalBoundedBag(LocalBag): @property def is_bounded(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def as_local_bounded(self) -> "LocalBoundedBag": return self
[docs] class BagDisplay(DatasetDisplay): """:class:`~.Bag` plain display class""" @property def bg(self) -> Bag: """The target :class:`~.Bag`""" return self._ds # type: ignore
[docs] def show( self, n: int = 10, with_count: bool = False, title: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: head_rows = if len(head_rows) < n: count = len(head_rows) else: count = if with_count else -1 with DatasetDisplay._SHOW_LOCK: if title is not None and title != "": print(title) print(type( print(head_rows) if count >= 0: print(f"Total count: {count}") print("") if print("Metadata:") try: # try pretty print, but if not convertible to json, print original print( except Exception: # pragma: no cover print( print("")
@get_dataset_display.candidate(lambda ds: isinstance(ds, Bag), priority=0.1) def _get_bag_display(ds: Bag): return BagDisplay(ds)