Source code for fugue.collections.partition

import json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

from triad.collections.dict import IndexedOrderedDict, ParamDict
from triad.collections.schema import Schema
from triad.utils.assertion import assert_or_throw as aot
from triad.utils.convert import to_size
from triad.utils.hash import to_uuid
from triad.utils.pyarrow import SchemaedDataPartitioner
from triad.utils.schema import safe_split_out_of_quote, unquote_name

[docs] def parse_presort_exp(presort: Any) -> IndexedOrderedDict[str, bool]: # noqa [C901] """Returns ordered column sorting direction where ascending order would return as true, and descending as false. :param presort: string that contains column and sorting direction or list of tuple that contains column and boolean sorting direction :type presort: Any :return: column and boolean sorting direction of column, order matters. :rtype: IndexedOrderedDict[str, bool] .. admonition:: Examples >>> parse_presort_exp("b desc, c asc") >>> parse_presort_exp([("b", True), ("c", False))]) both return IndexedOrderedDict([("b", True), ("c", False))]) """ if isinstance(presort, IndexedOrderedDict): return presort presort_list: List[Tuple[str, bool]] = [] res: IndexedOrderedDict[str, bool] = IndexedOrderedDict() if presort is None: return res elif isinstance(presort, str): presort = presort.strip() if presort == "": return res for p in safe_split_out_of_quote(presort, ","): pp = safe_split_out_of_quote(p.strip(), " ", max_split=1) key = unquote_name(pp[0].strip()) if len(pp) == 1: presort_list.append((key, True)) elif len(pp) == 2: if pp[1].strip().lower() == "asc": presort_list.append((key, True)) elif pp[1].strip().lower() == "desc": presort_list.append((key, False)) else: raise SyntaxError(f"Invalid expression {presort}") else: # pragma: no cover # impossible raise SyntaxError(f"Invalid expression {presort}") elif isinstance(presort, list): for p in presort: if isinstance(p, str): presort_list.append((p, True)) else: aot(len(p) == 2, SyntaxError(f"Invalid expression {presort}")) aot( isinstance(p, tuple) & (isinstance(p[0], str) & (isinstance(p[1], bool))), SyntaxError(f"Invalid expression {presort}"), ) presort_list.append((p[0], p[1])) for key, value in presort_list: if key in res: raise SyntaxError(f"Invalid expression {presort} duplicated key {key}") res[key] = value return res
[docs] class PartitionSpec(object): """Fugue Partition Specification. .. admonition:: Examples >>> PartitionSepc(num=4) >>> PartitionSepc(4) # == PartitionSepc(num=4) >>> PartitionSepc(num="ROWCOUNT/4 + 3") # It can be an expression >>> PartitionSepc(by=["a","b"]) >>> PartitionSepc(["a","b"]) # == PartitionSepc(by=["a","b"]) >>> PartitionSpec(by=["a"], presort="b DESC, c ASC") >>> PartitionSpec(algo="even", num=4) >>> p = PartitionSpec(num=4, by=["a"]) >>> p_override = PartitionSpec(p, by=["a","b"], algo="even") >>> PartitionSpec(by="a") # == PartitionSpec(by=["a"]) >>> PartitionSpec("a") # == PartitionSpec(by=["a"]) >>> PartitionSpec("per_row") # == PartitionSpec(num="ROWCOUNT", algo="even") It's important to understand this concept, please read |PartitionTutorial| Partition consists for these specs: * **algo**: can be one of ``default``, ``hash``, ``rand``, ``even`` or ``coarse`` * **num** or **num_partitions**: number of physical partitions, it can be an expression or integer numbers, e.g ``(ROWCOUNT+4) / 3`` * **by** or **partition_by**: keys to partition on * **presort**: keys to sort other than partition keys. E.g. ``a`` and ``a asc`` means presort by column a ascendingly, ``a,b desc`` means presort by a ascendingly and then by b descendingly. * row_limit and size_limit are to be deprecated """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): # noqa: C901 p = ParamDict() if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: if isinstance(args[0], str): if args[0].lower() == "per_row": p["algo"] = "even" p["num_partitions"] = "ROWCOUNT" elif not args[0].startswith("{"): p["partition_by"] = [args[0]] elif isinstance(args[0], int): p["num_partitions"] = str(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): p["partition_by"] = args[0] if len(p) == 0: # the first condition had no match for a in args: if a is None: continue elif isinstance(a, PartitionSpec): self._update_dict(p, a.jsondict) elif isinstance(a, Dict): self._update_dict(p, a) elif isinstance(a, str): self._update_dict(p, json.loads(a)) else: raise TypeError(f"{a} is not supported") self._update_dict(p, kwargs) self._num_partitions = p.get("num_partitions", "0") self._algo = p.get("algo", "").lower() if "partition_by" not in p: self._partition_by: List[str] = [] elif isinstance(p["partition_by"], str): self._partition_by = [p["partition_by"]] elif isinstance(p["partition_by"], (list, tuple)): self._partition_by = list(p["partition_by"]) else: raise SyntaxError(p["partition_by"]) aot( len(self._partition_by) == len(set(self._partition_by)), SyntaxError(f"{self._partition_by} has duplicated keys"), ) self._presort = parse_presort_exp(p.get_or_none("presort", object)) if any(x in self._presort for x in self._partition_by): raise SyntaxError( "partition by overlap with presort: " + f"{self._partition_by}, {self._presort}" ) # TODO: currently, size limit not in use self._size_limit = to_size(p.get("size_limit", "0")) self._row_limit = p.get("row_limit", 0) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"PartitionSpec(num='{self._num_partitions}', " + f"by={self._partition_by}, presort='{self.presort_expr}')" ) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if other is self: return True if not isinstance(other, PartitionSpec): other = PartitionSpec(other) return self.jsondict == other.jsondict @property def empty(self) -> bool: """Whether this spec didn't specify anything""" return ( self._num_partitions == "0" and self._algo == "" and len(self._partition_by) == 0 and len(self._presort) == 0 and self._size_limit == 0 and self._row_limit == 0 ) @property def num_partitions(self) -> str: """Number of partitions, it can be a string expression or int""" return self._num_partitions
[docs] def get_num_partitions(self, **expr_map_funcs: Any) -> int: """Convert ``num_partitions`` expression to int number :param expr_map_funcs: lambda functions (no parameter) for keywords :return: integer value of the partitions .. admonition:: Examples >>> p = PartitionSpec(num="ROWCOUNT/2") >>> p.get_num_partitions(ROWCOUNT=lambda: df.count()) """ expr = self.num_partitions for k, v in expr_map_funcs.items(): if k in expr: value = str(v()) expr = expr.replace(k, value) return int(eval(expr)) # pylint: disable=W0123
@property def algo(self) -> str: """Get algo of the spec, one of ``default``, ``hash``, ``rand`` ``even`` or ``coarse`` """ return self._algo if self._algo != "" else "default" @property def partition_by(self) -> List[str]: """Get partition keys of the spec""" return self._partition_by @property def presort(self) -> IndexedOrderedDict[str, bool]: """Get presort pairs of the spec .. admonition:: Examples >>> p = PartitionSpec(by=["a"],presort="b,c desc") >>> assert p.presort == {"b":True, "c":False} """ return self._presort @property def presort_expr(self) -> str: """Get normalized presort expression .. admonition:: Examples >>> p = PartitionSpec(by=["a"],presort="b , c dESc") >>> assert p.presort_expr == "b ASC,c DESC" """ return ",".join( k + " " + ("ASC" if v else "DESC") for k, v in self.presort.items() ) @property def jsondict(self) -> ParamDict: """Get json serializeable dict of the spec""" return ParamDict( dict( num_partitions=self._num_partitions, algo=self._algo, partition_by=self._partition_by, presort=self.presort_expr, size_limit=self._size_limit, row_limit=self._row_limit, ) ) def __uuid__(self) -> str: """Get deterministic unique id of this object""" return to_uuid(self.jsondict)
[docs] def get_sorts( self, schema: Schema, with_partition_keys: bool = True ) -> IndexedOrderedDict[str, bool]: """Get keys for sorting in a partition, it's the combination of partition keys plus the presort keys :param schema: the dataframe schema this partition spec to operate on :param with_partition_keys: whether to include partition keys :return: an ordered dictionary of key, order pairs .. admonition:: Examples >>> p = PartitionSpec(by=["a"],presort="b , c dESc") >>> schema = Schema("a:int,b:int,c:int,d:int")) >>> assert p.get_sorts(schema) == {"a":True, "b":True, "c": False} """ d: IndexedOrderedDict[str, bool] = IndexedOrderedDict() if with_partition_keys: for p in self.partition_by: aot(p in schema, lambda: KeyError(f"{p} not in {schema}")) d[p] = True for p, v in self.presort.items(): aot(p in schema, lambda: KeyError(f"{p} not in {schema}")) d[p] = v return d
[docs] def get_key_schema(self, schema: Schema) -> Schema: """Get partition keys schema :param schema: the dataframe schema this partition spec to operate on :return: the sub-schema only containing partition keys """ return schema.extract(self.partition_by)
[docs] def get_cursor( self, schema: Schema, physical_partition_no: int ) -> "PartitionCursor": """Get :class:`.PartitionCursor` based on dataframe schema and physical partition number. You normally don't call this method directly :param schema: the dataframe schema this partition spec to operate on :param physical_partition_no: physical partition no passed in by :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` :return: PartitionCursor object """ return PartitionCursor(schema, self, physical_partition_no)
[docs] def get_partitioner(self, schema: Schema) -> SchemaedDataPartitioner: """Get :class:`~triad.utils.pyarrow.SchemaedDataPartitioner` by input dataframe schema :param schema: the dataframe schema this partition spec to operate on :return: SchemaedDataPartitioner object """ pos = [schema.index_of_key(key) for key in self.partition_by] return SchemaedDataPartitioner( schema.pa_schema, pos, sizer=None, row_limit=self._row_limit, size_limit=self._size_limit, )
def _update_dict(self, d: Dict[str, Any], u: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: for k, v in u.items(): if k == "by": k = "partition_by" if k == "num": k = "num_partitions" d[k] = v
[docs] class DatasetPartitionCursor: """The cursor pointing at the first item of each logical partition inside a physical partition. It's important to understand the concept of partition, please read |PartitionTutorial| :param physical_partition_no: physical partition number passed in by :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` """ def __init__(self, physical_partition_no: int): self._physical_partition_no = physical_partition_no # the following will be set by the framework self._partition_no = 0 self._slice_no = 0
[docs] def set(self, item: Any, partition_no: int, slice_no: int) -> None: """reset the cursor to a row (which should be the first row of a new logical partition) :param item: an item of the dataset, or an function generating the item :param partition_no: logical partition number :param slice_no: slice number inside the logical partition (to be deprecated) """ self._item = item self._partition_no = partition_no self._slice_no = slice_no
@property def item(self) -> Any: """Get current item""" if callable(self._item): self._item = self._item() return self._item @property def partition_no(self) -> int: """Logical partition number""" return self._partition_no @property def physical_partition_no(self) -> int: """Physical partition number""" return self._physical_partition_no @property def slice_no(self) -> int: """Slice number (inside the current logical partition), for now it should always be 0 """ return self._slice_no
[docs] class BagPartitionCursor(DatasetPartitionCursor): """The cursor pointing at the first bag item of each logical partition inside a physical partition. It's important to understand the concept of partition, please read |PartitionTutorial| :param physical_partition_no: physical partition number passed in by :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` """ pass
[docs] class PartitionCursor(DatasetPartitionCursor): """The cursor pointing at the first row of each logical partition inside a physical partition. It's important to understand the concept of partition, please read |PartitionTutorial| :param schema: input dataframe schema :param spec: partition spec :param physical_partition_no: physical partition number passed in by :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` """ def __init__(self, schema: Schema, spec: PartitionSpec, physical_partition_no: int): self._orig_schema = schema self._key_index = [schema.index_of_key(key) for key in spec.partition_by] self._schema = schema.extract(spec.partition_by) self._physical_partition_no = physical_partition_no super().__init__(physical_partition_no=physical_partition_no)
[docs] def set(self, row: Any, partition_no: int, slice_no: int) -> None: """reset the cursor to a row (which should be the first row of a new logical partition) :param row: list-like row data or a function generating a list-like row :param partition_no: logical partition number :param slice_no: slice number inside the logical partition (to be deprecated) """ super().set( list(row) if not callable(row) else lambda: list(row()), partition_no=partition_no, slice_no=slice_no, )
@property def row(self) -> List[Any]: """Get current row data""" return self.item @property def row_schema(self) -> Schema: """Schema of the current row""" return self._orig_schema @property def key_schema(self) -> Schema: """Partition key schema""" return self._schema @property def key_value_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Based on current row, get the partition key values as a dict""" return {self.row_schema.names[i]: self.row[i] for i in self._key_index} @property def key_value_array(self) -> List[Any]: """Based on current row, get the partition key values as an array""" return [self.row[i] for i in self._key_index] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: """Get value by key from the current row :param key: column name :return: value in the column """ return self.row[self.row_schema.index_of_key(key)]