Source code for fugue.execution.factory

from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Type, Union

import pandas as pd
from triad import ParamDict, assert_or_throw
from triad.utils.convert import to_instance

from .._utils.registry import fugue_plugin
from ..exceptions import FuguePluginsRegistrationError
from .execution_engine import (
from .native_execution_engine import NativeExecutionEngine

[docs] def register_execution_engine( name_or_type: Union[str, Type], func: Callable, on_dup="overwrite" ) -> None: """Register :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` with a given name. :param name_or_type: alias of the execution engine, or type of an object that can be converted to an execution engine :param func: a callable taking |ParamsLikeObject| and ``**kwargs`` and returning an :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` instance :param on_dup: action on duplicated ``name``. It can be "overwrite", "ignore" (not overwriting), defaults to "overwrite". .. admonition:: Examples Alias registration examples: .. code-block:: python # create a new engine with name my (overwrites if existed) register_execution_engine("my", lambda conf: MyExecutionEngine(conf)) # 0 make_execution_engine("my") make_execution_engine("my", {"myconfig":"value}) # 1 dag = FugueWorkflow() dag.create([[0]],"a:int").show()"my", {"myconfig":"value}) # 2 fsql(''' CREATE [[0]] SCHEMA a:int PRINT ''').run("my") Type registration examples: .. code-block:: python from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from fugue_spark import SparkExecutionEngine from fugue import fsql register_execution_engine( SparkSession, lambda session, conf: SparkExecutionEngine(session, conf)) spark_session = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() fsql(''' CREATE [[0]] SCHEMA a:int PRINT ''').run(spark_session) """ if isinstance(name_or_type, str): nm = name_or_type parse_execution_engine.register( # type: ignore func=lambda engine, conf, **kwargs: func(conf, **kwargs), matcher=lambda engine, conf, **kwargs: isinstance(engine, str) and engine == nm, priority=_get_priority(on_dup), ) else: # type tp = name_or_type parse_execution_engine.register( # type: ignore func=lambda engine, conf, **kwargs: func(engine, conf, **kwargs), matcher=lambda engine, conf, **kwargs: isinstance(engine, tp), priority=_get_priority(on_dup), )
[docs] def register_default_execution_engine(func: Callable, on_dup="overwrite") -> None: """Register :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` as the default engine. :param func: a callable taking |ParamsLikeObject| and ``**kwargs`` and returning an :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` instance :param on_dup: action on duplicated ``name``. It can be "overwrite", "ignore" (not overwriting), defaults to "overwrite". .. admonition:: Examples .. code-block:: python # create a new engine with name my (overwrites if existed) register_default_execution_engine(lambda conf: MyExecutionEngine(conf)) # the following examples will use MyExecutionEngine # 0 make_execution_engine() make_execution_engine(None, {"myconfig":"value}) # 1 dag = FugueWorkflow() dag.create([[0]],"a:int").show(), {"myconfig":"value}) # 2 fsql(''' CREATE [[0]] SCHEMA a:int PRINT ''').run("", {"myconfig":"value}) """ parse_execution_engine.register( # type: ignore func=lambda engine, conf, **kwargs: func(conf, **kwargs), matcher=lambda engine, conf, **kwargs: engine is None or (isinstance(engine, str) and engine == ""), priority=_get_priority(on_dup), )
[docs] def register_sql_engine(name: str, func: Callable, on_dup="overwrite") -> None: """Register :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` with a given name. :param name: name of the SQL engine :param func: a callable taking :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` and ``**kwargs`` and returning a :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` instance :param on_dup: action on duplicated ``name``. It can be "overwrite", "ignore" (not overwriting), defaults to "overwrite". .. admonition:: Examples .. code-block:: python # create a new engine with name my (overwrites if existed) register_sql_engine("mysql", lambda engine: MySQLEngine(engine)) # create execution engine with MySQLEngine as the default make_execution_engine(("", "mysql")) # create DaskExecutionEngine with MySQLEngine as the default make_execution_engine(("dask", "mysql")) # default execution engine + MySQLEngine with FugueWorkflow() as dag: dag.create([[0]],"a:int").show()"","mysql")) """ nm = name parse_sql_engine.register( # type: ignore func=lambda engine, execution_engine, **kwargs: func( execution_engine, **kwargs ), matcher=lambda engine, execution_engine, **kwargs: isinstance(engine, str) and engine == nm, priority=_get_priority(on_dup), )
[docs] def register_default_sql_engine(func: Callable, on_dup="overwrite") -> None: """Register :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` as the default engine :param func: a callable taking :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` and ``**kwargs`` and returning a :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` instance :param on_dup: action on duplicated ``name``. It can be "overwrite", "ignore" (not overwriting) or "throw" (throw exception), defaults to "overwrite". :raises KeyError: if ``on_dup`` is ``throw`` and the ``name`` already exists .. note:: You should be careful to use this function, because when you set a custom SQL engine as default, all execution engines you create will use this SQL engine unless you are explicit. For example if you set the default SQL engine to be a Spark specific one, then if you start a NativeExecutionEngine, it will try to use it and will throw exceptions. So it's always a better idea to use ``register_sql_engine`` instead .. admonition:: Examples .. code-block:: python # create a new engine with name my (overwrites if existed) register_default_sql_engine(lambda engine: MySQLEngine(engine)) # create NativeExecutionEngine with MySQLEngine as the default make_execution_engine() # create SparkExecutionEngine with MySQLEngine instead of SparkSQLEngine make_execution_engine("spark") # NativeExecutionEngine with MySQLEngine with FugueWorkflow() as dag: dag.create([[0]],"a:int").show() """ parse_sql_engine.register( # type: ignore func=lambda engine, execution_engine, **kwargs: func( execution_engine, **kwargs ), matcher=lambda engine, execution_engine, **kwargs: engine is None or (isinstance(engine, str) and engine == ""), priority=_get_priority(on_dup), )
[docs] def try_get_context_execution_engine() -> Optional[ExecutionEngine]: """If the global execution engine is set (see :meth:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine.set_global`) or the context is set (see :meth:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine.as_context`), then return the engine, else return None """ engine = _FUGUE_EXECUTION_ENGINE_CONTEXT.get() if engine is None: engine = _FUGUE_GLOBAL_EXECUTION_ENGINE_CONTEXT.get() return engine
[docs] def make_execution_engine( engine: Any = None, conf: Any = None, infer_by: Optional[List[Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ExecutionEngine: """Create :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` with specified ``engine`` :param engine: it can be empty string or null (use the default execution engine), a string (use the registered execution engine), an :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` type, or the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` instance , or a tuple of two values where the first value represents execution engine and the second value represents the sql engine (you can use ``None`` for either of them to use the default one), defaults to None :param conf: |ParamsLikeObject|, defaults to None :param infer_by: List of objects that can be used to infer the execution engine using :func:`~.infer_execution_engine` :param kwargs: additional parameters to initialize the execution engine :return: the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` instance .. note:: This function finds/constructs the engine in the following order: * If ``engine`` is None, it first try to see if there is any defined context engine to use (=> engine) * If ``engine`` is still empty, then it will try to get the global execution engine. See :meth:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine.set_global` * If ``engine`` is still empty, then if ``infer_by`` is given, it will try to infer the execution engine (=> engine) * If ``engine`` is still empty, then it will construct the default engine defined by :func:`~.register_default_execution_engine` (=> engine) * Now, ``engine`` must not be empty, if it is an object other than :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine`, we will use :func:`~.parse_execution_engine` to construct (=> engine) * Now, ``engine`` must have been an ExecutionEngine object. We update its SQL engine if specified, then update its config using ``conf`` and ``kwargs`` .. admonition:: Examples .. code-block:: python register_default_execution_engine(lambda conf: E1(conf)) register_execution_engine("e2", lambda conf, **kwargs: E2(conf, **kwargs)) register_sql_engine("s", lambda conf: S2(conf)) # E1 + E1.create_default_sql_engine() make_execution_engine() # E2 + E2.create_default_sql_engine() make_execution_engine(e2) # E1 + S2 make_execution_engine((None, "s")) # E2(conf, a=1, b=2) + S2 make_execution_engine(("e2", "s"), conf, a=1, b=2) # SparkExecutionEngine + SparkSQLEngine make_execution_engine(SparkExecutionEngine) make_execution_engine(SparkExecutionEngine(spark_session, conf)) # SparkExecutionEngine + S2 make_execution_engine((SparkExecutionEngine, "s")) # assume object e2_df can infer E2 engine make_execution_engine(infer_by=[e2_df]) # an E2 engine # global e_global = E1(conf) e_global.set_global() make_execution_engine() # e_global # context with E2(conf).as_context() as ec: make_execution_engine() # ec make_execution_engine() # e_global """ if engine is None: engine = try_get_context_execution_engine() if engine is None and infer_by is not None: engine = infer_execution_engine(infer_by) if isinstance(engine, tuple): execution_engine = make_execution_engine(engine[0], conf=conf, **kwargs) sql_engine = make_sql_engine(engine[1], execution_engine) execution_engine.set_sql_engine(sql_engine) return execution_engine if isinstance(engine, ExecutionEngine): result = engine else: result = parse_execution_engine(engine, conf, **kwargs) sql_engine = make_sql_engine(None, result) result.set_sql_engine(sql_engine) result.conf.update(conf, on_dup=ParamDict.OVERWRITE) result.conf.update(kwargs, on_dup=ParamDict.OVERWRITE) return result
@fugue_plugin def parse_execution_engine( engine: Any = None, conf: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> ExecutionEngine: """Parse object as :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` :param engine: it can be empty string or null (use the default execution engine), a string (use the registered execution engine), an :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` type, or the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` instance , or a tuple of two values where the first value represents execution engine and the second value represents the sql engine (you can use ``None`` for either of them to use the default one), defaults to None :param conf: |ParamsLikeObject|, defaults to None :param kwargs: additional parameters to initialize the execution engine :return: the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` instance .. admonition:: Examples .. code-block:: python register_default_execution_engine(lambda conf: E1(conf)) register_execution_engine("e2", lambda conf, **kwargs: E2(conf, **kwargs)) register_sql_engine("s", lambda conf: S2(conf)) # E1 + E1.default_sql_engine make_execution_engine() # E2 + E2.default_sql_engine make_execution_engine(e2) # E1 + S2 make_execution_engine((None, "s")) # E2(conf, a=1, b=2) + S2 make_execution_engine(("e2", "s"), conf, a=1, b=2) # SparkExecutionEngine + SparkSQLEngine make_execution_engine(SparkExecutionEngine) make_execution_engine(SparkExecutionEngine(spark_session, conf)) # SparkExecutionEngine + S2 make_execution_engine((SparkExecutionEngine, "s")) """ if engine is None or (isinstance(engine, str) and engine == ""): return NativeExecutionEngine(conf) try: return to_instance(engine, ExecutionEngine, kwargs=dict(conf=conf, **kwargs)) except Exception as e: raise FuguePluginsRegistrationError( f"Fugue execution engine is not recognized ({engine}, {conf}, {kwargs})." " You may need to register a parser for it." ) from e
[docs] def is_pandas_or(objs: List[Any], obj_type: Any) -> bool: """Check whether the input contains at least one ``obj_type`` object and the rest are Pandas DataFrames. This function is a utility function for extending :func:`~.infer_execution_engine` :param objs: the list of objects to check :return: whether all objs are of type ``obj_type`` or pandas DataFrame and at least one is of type ``obj_type`` """ tc = 0 for obj in objs: if not isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame): if isinstance(obj, obj_type): tc += 1 else: return False return tc > 0
@fugue_plugin def infer_execution_engine(obj: List[Any]) -> Any: """Infer the correspondent ExecutionEngine based on the input objects. This is used in express functions. :param objs: the objects :return: if the inference succeeded, it returns an object that can be used by :func:`~.parse_execution_engine` in the ``engine`` field to construct an ExecutionEngine. Otherwise, it returns None. .. admonition:: Examples .. code-block:: python from fugue import transform transform(spark_df) In this example, the SparkExecutionEngine is inferred from spark_df, it is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python from fugue import transform transform(spark_df, engine=current_spark_session) """ return None
[docs] def make_sql_engine( engine: Any = None, execution_engine: Optional[ExecutionEngine] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SQLEngine: """Create :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` with specified ``engine`` :param engine: it can be empty string or null (use the default SQL engine), a string (use the registered SQL engine), an :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` type, or the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` instance (you can use ``None`` to use the default one), defaults to None :param execution_engine: the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` instance to create the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine`. Normally you should always provide this value. :param kwargs: additional parameters to initialize the sql engine :return: the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` instance .. note:: For users, you normally don't need to call this function directly. Use ``make_execution_engine`` instead .. admonition:: Examples .. code-block:: python register_default_sql_engine(lambda conf: S1(conf)) register_sql_engine("s2", lambda conf: S2(conf)) engine = NativeExecutionEngine() # S1(engine) make_sql_engine(None, engine) # S1(engine, a=1) make_sql_engine(None, engine, a=1) # S2(engine) make_sql_engine("s2", engine) """ if isinstance(engine, SQLEngine): assert_or_throw( execution_engine is None and len(kwargs) == 0, lambda: ValueError( f"{engine} is an instance, can't take arguments " f"execution_engine={execution_engine}, kwargs={kwargs}" ), ) return engine return parse_sql_engine(engine, execution_engine, **kwargs)
@fugue_plugin def parse_sql_engine( engine: Any = None, execution_engine: Optional[ExecutionEngine] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SQLEngine: """Create :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` with specified ``engine`` :param engine: it can be empty string or null (use the default SQL engine), a string (use the registered SQL engine), an :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` type, or the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` instance (you can use ``None`` to use the default one), defaults to None :param execution_engine: the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.ExecutionEngine` instance to create the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine`. Normally you should always provide this value. :param kwargs: additional parameters to initialize the sql engine :return: the :class:`~fugue.execution.execution_engine.SQLEngine` instance .. note:: For users, you normally don't need to call this function directly. Use ``make_execution_engine`` instead .. admonition:: Examples .. code-block:: python register_default_sql_engine(lambda conf: S1(conf)) register_sql_engine("s2", lambda conf: S2(conf)) engine = NativeExecutionEngine() # S1(engine) make_sql_engine(None, engine) # S1(engine, a=1) make_sql_engine(None, engine, a=1) # S2(engine) make_sql_engine("s2", engine) """ if engine is None or (isinstance(engine, str) and engine == ""): assert_or_throw( execution_engine is not None, ValueError("execution_engine must be provided"), ) return execution_engine.sql_engine # type: ignore try: return to_instance( engine, SQLEngine, kwargs=dict(execution_engine=execution_engine, **kwargs) ) except Exception as e: raise FuguePluginsRegistrationError( f"Fugue SQL engine is not recognized ({engine}, {kwargs})." " You may need to register a parser for it." ) from e def _get_priority(on_dup: str) -> int: if on_dup == "overwrite": return 2 if on_dup == "ignore": return 0 raise ValueError(f"{on_dup} is not valid")