Source code for fugue.rpc.base

import pickle
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from types import LambdaType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict
from uuid import uuid4

from triad import ParamDict, SerializableRLock, assert_or_throw, to_uuid
from triad.utils.convert import get_full_type_path, to_type

[docs] class RPCClient(object): """RPC client interface""" def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class RPCHandler(RPCClient): """RPC handler hosting the real logic on driver side""" def __init__(self): self._rpchandler_lock = SerializableRLock() self._running = 0 @property def running(self) -> bool: """Whether the handler is in running state""" return self._running > 0 def __uuid__(self) -> str: """UUID that can affect the determinism of the workflow""" return "" # pragma: no cover
[docs] def start_handler(self) -> None: """User implementation of starting the handler""" return
[docs] def stop_handler(self) -> None: """User implementation of stopping the handler""" return
[docs] def start(self) -> "RPCHandler": """Start the handler, wrapping :meth:`~.start_handler` :return: the instance itself """ with self._rpchandler_lock: if self._running == 0: self.start_handler() self._running += 1 return self
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the handler, wrapping :meth:`~.stop_handler`""" with self._rpchandler_lock: if self._running == 1: self.stop_handler() self._running -= 1 if self._running < 0: self._running = 0
def __enter__(self) -> "RPCHandler": """``with`` statement. :meth:`~.start` must be called .. admonition:: Examples .. code-block:: python with handler.start(): handler... """ with self._rpchandler_lock: assert_or_throw(self._running, "use `with <instance>.start():` instead") return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_val: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None: self.stop() def __getstate__(self): """ :raises pickle.PicklingError: serialization of ``RPCHandler`` is not allowed """ raise pickle.PicklingError(f"{self} is not serializable") def __copy__(self) -> "RPCHandler": """Copy takes no effect :return: the instance itself """ return self def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Any) -> "RPCHandler": """Deep copy takes no effect :return: the instance itself """ return self
[docs] class EmptyRPCHandler(RPCHandler): """The class representing empty :class:`~.RPCHandler`"""
[docs] class RPCServer(RPCHandler, ABC): """Server abstract class hosting multiple :class:`~.RPCHandler`. :param conf: |FugueConfig| """ def __init__(self, conf: Any): super().__init__() self._conf = ParamDict(conf) self._handlers: Dict[str, RPCHandler] = {} @property def conf(self) -> ParamDict: """Config initialized this instance""" return self._conf
[docs] @abstractmethod def make_client(self, handler: Any) -> RPCClient: """Make a :class:`~.RPCHandler` and return the correspondent :class:`~.RPCClient` :param handler: |RPCHandlerLikeObject| :return: the client connecting to the handler """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def start_server(self) -> None: """User implementation of starting the server""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def stop_server(self) -> None: """User implementation of stopping the server""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def start_handler(self) -> None: """Wrapper to start the server, do not override or call directly""" with self._rpchandler_lock: self.start_server()
[docs] def stop_handler(self) -> None: """Wrapper to stop the server, do not override or call directly""" with self._rpchandler_lock: self.stop_server() for v in self._handlers.values(): if v.running: v.stop() self._handlers.clear()
[docs] def invoke(self, key: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Invoke the correspondent handler :param key: key of the handler :return: the return value of the handler """ with self._rpchandler_lock: handler = self._handlers[key] return handler(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def register(self, handler: Any) -> str: """Register the hander into the server :param handler: |RPCHandlerLikeObject| :return: the unique key of the handler """ with self._rpchandler_lock: key = "_" + str(uuid4()).split("-")[-1] assert_or_throw(key not in self._handlers, f"{key} already exists") self._handlers[key] = to_rpc_handler(handler).start() return key
[docs] class NativeRPCClient(RPCClient): """Native RPC Client that can only be used locally. Use :meth:`~.NativeRPCServer.make_client` to create this instance. :param server: the parent :class:`~.NativeRPCServer` :param key: the unique key for the handler and this client """ def __init__(self, server: "NativeRPCServer", key: str): self._key = key self._server = server def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: return self._server.invoke(self._key, *args, **kwargs) def __getstate__(self): raise pickle.PicklingError(f"{self} is not serializable")
[docs] class NativeRPCServer(RPCServer): """Native RPC Server that can only be used locally. :param conf: |FugueConfig| """
[docs] def make_client(self, handler: Any) -> RPCClient: """Add ``handler`` and correspondent :class:`~.NativeRPCClient` :param handler: |RPCHandlerLikeObject| :return: the native RPC client """ key = self.register(handler) return NativeRPCClient(self, key)
[docs] def start_server(self) -> None: """Do nothing""" return
[docs] def stop_server(self) -> None: """Do nothing""" return
[docs] class RPCFunc(RPCHandler): """RPCHandler wrapping a python function. :param func: a python function """ def __init__(self, func: Callable): super().__init__() assert_or_throw(callable(func), lambda: ValueError(func)) self._func = func if isinstance(func, LambdaType): self._uuid = to_uuid("lambda") else: self._uuid = to_uuid(get_full_type_path(func)) def __uuid__(self) -> str: """If the underlying function is a static function, then the full type path of the function determines the uuid, but for a lambda function, the uuid is a constant, so it could be overly deterministic :return: the unique id """ return self._uuid def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return self._func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_rpc_handler(obj: Any) -> RPCHandler: """Convert object to :class:`~.RPCHandler`. If the object is already ``RPCHandler``, then the original instance will be returned. If the object is ``None`` then :class:`~.EmptyRPCHandler` will be returned. If the object is a python function then :class:`~.RPCFunc` will be returned. :param obj: |RPCHandlerLikeObject| :return: the RPC handler """ if obj is None: return EmptyRPCHandler() if isinstance(obj, RPCHandler): return obj if callable(obj): return RPCFunc(obj) raise ValueError(obj)
[docs] def make_rpc_server(conf: Any) -> RPCServer: """Make :class:`~.RPCServer` based on configuration. If '`fugue.rpc.server`` is set, then the value will be used as the server type for the initialization. Otherwise, a :class:`~.NativeRPCServer` instance will be returned :param conf: |FugueConfig| :return: the RPC server """ conf = ParamDict(conf) tp = conf.get_or_none("fugue.rpc.server", str) t_server = NativeRPCServer if tp is None else to_type(tp, RPCServer) return t_server(conf) # type: ignore