Source code for fugue.collections.sql

from logging import Logger
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
from uuid import uuid4

from triad import to_uuid

from fugue._utils.registry import fugue_plugin
from fugue._utils.misc import import_fsql_dependency


[docs] class TempTableName: """Generating a temporary, random and globaly unique table name""" def __init__(self): self.key = "_" + str(uuid4())[:5].upper() def __repr__(self) -> str: return _TEMP_TABLE_EXPR_PREFIX + self.key + _TEMP_TABLE_EXPR_SUFFIX
@fugue_plugin def transpile_sql( raw: str, from_dialect: Optional[str], to_dialect: Optional[str] ) -> str: """Transpile SQL between dialects, it should work only when both ``from_dialect`` and ``to_dialect`` are not None :param raw: the raw SQL :param from_dialect: the dialect of the raw SQL :param to_dialect: the expected dialect. :return: the transpiled SQL """ if ( from_dialect is not None and to_dialect is not None and from_dialect != to_dialect ): sqlglot = import_fsql_dependency("sqlglot") return " ".join(sqlglot.transpile(raw, read=from_dialect, write=to_dialect)) else: return raw
[docs] class StructuredRawSQL: """The Raw SQL object containing table references and dialect information. :param statements: In each tuple, the first value indicates whether the second value is a dataframe name reference (True), or just a part of the statement (False) :param dialect: the dialect of the statements, defaults to None .. note:: ``dialect`` None means no transpilation will be done when constructing the final sql. """ def __init__( self, statements: Iterable[Tuple[bool, str]], dialect: Optional[str] = None ): self._statements = list(statements) self._dialect = dialect @property def dialect(self) -> Optional[str]: """The dialect of this query""" return self._dialect def __uuid__(self) -> str: return to_uuid(self._statements, self._dialect)
[docs] def construct( self, name_map: Union[None, Callable[[str], str], Dict[str, str]] = None, dialect: Optional[str] = None, log: Optional[Logger] = None, ): """Construct the final SQL given the ``dialect`` :param name_map: the name map from the original statement to the expected names, defaults to None. It can be a function or a dictionary :param dialect: the expected dialect, defaults to None :param log: the logger to log information, defaults to None :return: the final SQL string """ nm: Any = ( (lambda x: x) if name_map is None else name_map if not isinstance(name_map, dict) else (lambda x: name_map.get(x, x)) # type: ignore ) raw_sql = " ".join(nm(tp[1]) if tp[0] else tp[1] for tp in self._statements) if ( self._dialect is not None and dialect is not None and self._dialect != dialect ): tsql = transpile_sql(raw_sql, self._dialect, dialect) if log is not None: log.debug( "SQL transpiled from %s to %s\n\n" "Original:\n\n%s\n\nTranspiled:\n\n%s\n", self._dialect, dialect, raw_sql, tsql, ) return tsql return raw_sql
[docs] @staticmethod def from_expr( sql: str, prefix: str = _TEMP_TABLE_EXPR_PREFIX, suffix: str = _TEMP_TABLE_EXPR_SUFFIX, dialect: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "StructuredRawSQL": """Parse the ``StructuredRawSQL`` from the ``sql`` expression. The sql should look like ``SELECT * FROM <tmpdf:dfname>``. This function can identify the tmpdfs with the given syntax, and construct the ``StructuredRawSQL`` :param sql: the SQL expression with ``<tmpdf:?>`` :param prefix: the prefix of the temp df :param suffix: the suffix of the temp df :param dialect: the dialect of the sql expression, defaults to None :return: the parsed object """ def _get() -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, str]]: p = 0 while p < len(sql): b = sql.find(prefix, p) if b >= 0: if b > p: yield (False, sql[p:b]) b += len(prefix) e = sql.find(suffix, b) yield (True, sql[b:e]) p = e + len(suffix) else: yield (False, sql[p:]) return return StructuredRawSQL(_get(), dialect=dialect)